Tuesday 23 September 2014

"I love MindUP! It is a way to focus your
mind, calm down and reflect on a situation
when you need to make a choice."

- Tyler G., Seventh Grade Student

Founder, Goldie Hawn collaborated with neuroscientists, cognitive psychologists and educators to create MindU), a program that fosters a classroom-learning environment where a child’s ability to academically succeed and personally thrive is maximized and directly linked to their overall state of well-being.

Research on MindUP has been proven to reduce stress, improve academic performance, strengthen abilities for concentration and help children and educators thrive in a setting that becomes a community of learners.

MindUP nurtures optimism and happiness in the classroom, helps eliminate bullying and aggression, increases empathy and compassion, while resolving peer conflicts in schools.

MindUP prepares teachers with the instructional shifts needed to achieve maximum academic performance using the Common Core academic standards.

MindUP also aligns with the Marzano Framework for dynamic educators.
MindUP serves thousands of children globally each year, preparing children to be able to navigate 21st century challenges while maximizing opportunities for success in life.

Click on the link below and listen to Goldie Hawn!


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